A better alternative to TechMeme?

From the NYT:

One of the first Web sites loaded on Silicon Valley’s laptops and iPhones each morning — and then again and again throughout the day — is Techmeme… Techmeme groups stories according to importance, and clusters other reporters’ and bloggers’ perspectives on the same topic… the site has become more relevant and popular with its 260,000 readers, who check it three million times a month…

Still, Techmeme does not catch everything and sometimes it catches too much of the same thing. So Bijan Sabet, a venture capitalist at Spark Capital who reads Techmeme daily, also visits other aggregators, like Hacker News, because they have more diversity. “Techmeme is often dominated by Apple, Google, Facebook or Twitter news,” he said. “That’s great, but insufficient.”

I’m one of those 260,000 TechMeme readers — I love it. It does a great job of surfacing the issues most widely discussed  by bloggers and mainstream media.

Meanwhile, Seeking Alpha isn’t viewed as a tech site, but about 860,000 people read Seeking Alpha’s tech news coverage. It’s fast, remarkably broad, and provides a bullet-point summary of each story.

Does that mean Seeking Alpha is a better service for tech news than TechMeme? Not necessarily — they’re different animals. Seeking Alpha’s tech coverage is broader and surfaces what’s important to investors, whereas TechMeme surfaces the top stories determined by what the tech bloggers are excited about. If you’re serious about tech, you probably want both.

Links: TechMeme, Seeking Alpha’s tech news coverage on the web, via email alerts, and via the Tech Investor mobile app.

2 thoughts on “A better alternative to TechMeme?

  1. Pingback: Where do you get your tech news coverage? | Talking Biz News

  2. It’s like the food pyramid: I wouldn’t eat five servings of kale to satisfy my RDA of veggies. So, to ensure a balanced information pyramid, I need 3-5 “servings” from a choice of sources, depending on my “appetite”.

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